The Synthetic & Art Silk Mills’ Research Association (SASMIRA) established on 12th January 1950 under Registration No. 2505 of 1949-1950 granted under societies act XXI of 1860 and is a cooperative venture set up by the man-made textile industry of India after independence as a multi-functional institute to serve its scientific and technological needs.

This proposal was supported by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and other Government agencies that culminated into establishment of SASMIRA, earlier known as Silk and Art Silk Mills’ Research Association.

SASMIRA’s Activities

Commencing with the testing of silk and art silk materials, SASMIRA has geared its activities since then to meet the changing needs of the man-made textile industry thereby fulfilling its objectives. At present, SASMIRA is an Approved Body of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. The major areas of functioning at SASMIRA are listed as below:

-Research & Development

-Technical Textiles

– Accredited Testing Services

-Technical Services and Consultancy

-Services to Decentralized Sector

-Textile Instrument Development

-Educational Activities


-Knowledge Dissemination


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