Tobacco is the common name of several plants in the genus Nicotiana of the family Solanaceae, and the general term for any product prepared from the cured leaves of these plants. More than 70 species of tobacco are known, but the chief commercial crop is Nicotiana. tabacum. The more potent variant Nicotiana. rustica is also used in some countries. Tobacco contains the highly addictive stimulant alkaloid nicotine as well as harmala alkaloids.

Nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco smoke are easily absorbed into the blood through the lungs. From there, nicotine quickly spreads throughout the body. It acts on the chemistry of the brain and central nervous system, affecting mood. Nicotine works very much like other addicting drugs, by flooding the brain’s reward circuits with a chemical called dopamine. Nicotine also gives a little bit of an adrenaline rush – not enough to notice, but enough to speed up the heart and raise blood pressure.
Some of the food items like Aubergine, potatoes, tea, tomatoes, cauliflower and green peppers contain small amount of nicotine content.

Types Of Tobacco Products

1. Bidis

Bidis are small, thin hand-rolled cigarettes imported to the United States primarily from India and other Southeast Asian countries. They consist of tobacco wrapped in a tendu or temburni leaf (plants native to Asia), and may be secured with a colorful string at one or both ends. Bidis can be flavored (e.g., chocolate, cherry, mango) or unflavored.


2. Cigarette

A cigarette is a combination of cured and finely cut tobacco, reconstituted tobacco and other additives rolled or stuffed into a paper wrapped cylinder. Many cigarettes have a filter on one end. More than 4,000 different chemicals have been found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Among these are more than 60 chemicals that are known to cause cancer.


3. Cigars, Cigarillos and Little Cigars

Most cigars are made up of a single type of air-cured or dried tobacco. Cigar tobacco leaves are first aged for about a year and then fermented in a multi-step process that can take from 3 to 5 months. Fermentation causes chemical and bacterial reactions that change the tobacco. This is what gives cigars a different taste and smell from cigarettes. Regular cigars are larger than cigarettes and do not have a filter. Little cigars or cigarillos are very similar in size and shape of cigarettes, have filters and are filled with pipe tobacco. Little cigars are often flavored (e.g., chocolate, cherry, apple, mango).

Cigar                 Cigar        Cigar

4. Dissolvable Tobacco

This type of tobacco is finely processed to dissolve on the tongue or in the mouth. Varieties include strips, sticks, orbs and compressed tobacco lozenges. They are smoke and spit free, are held together by food-grade binders and look similar to a breath mint or candy.

Dissolvable Tobacco

5. Electronic cigarette or E- cigarette (nicotine delivery system)

The e-cigarette is a battery-powered device that contains a cartridge filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. The e-cigarette is not a tobacco product but a nicotine delivery system. The e-cigarette turns the nicotine and other chemicals into a vapor that is then inhaled by the user. The user will puff on it, similar to a cigarette, and receive a vaporized solution of propylene glycol/nicotine.

E Cigarette

E-Cigarettes testing

E-cigarettes, also known as vapes, are battery-operated devices that heat a liquid and produce an aerosol. They come in many shapes and sizes (as small as a pen to as big as a smartphone). They typically contain nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes and other tobacco products. Some e-cigarettes can also be used to deliver cannabis and other drugs. They are available as disposable devices, refillable devices, or devices with pre-filled cartridges or pods.

Simple Anatomy of E-Cigarettes

The basic e-cigarette design is a lithium battery attached to a heating element (atomizer) that vaporizes a humectant that contains liquid nicotine.  An atomizer is the heating component of a vaping device while cartridge is where the liquid solution, is stored in a vaping device.

e cigrette testing

Significance of testing E-Cigarettes

It is mandatory to make sure e-liquid materials are safe and good quality so the testing of E -cigarettes is vital; to check the compliance & regulation, consumer safety, consistency & quality control; and building trust and credibility.

Toxicity e cigrette

The parameters tested under the category of E-Cigarettes is not limited to nicotine content, other components also attribute its toxicity.  The parameters tested for E-Cigarettes are shown in figure 4 and tabulated in table 1.

E Cigrette parameters testing

Table 1: Briefly describes the general tests, test methods/international standards, methodology employed and the specification limit as per UAE.S 5030:2018

Parameters Test Method Instrumentation recommended Limit as per UAE.S 5030:2018
Nicotine CORESTA Method No. 62/ ISO 20714:2019/ ISO 24199:2022 GC-FID Less than or equal to 20 milligrams per milliliter
Volatile Organic Components (Benzene-D6, 1,3-Butadiene, Isoprene, Acrylonitrile, Benzene, Toluene) CORESTA Method No. 70/ ISO 21330:2018 GC-MS Prohibited
Carbonyl compounds (Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Acrolein, Propionaldehyde, Crotonaldehyde, 2-Butanone, methyl ethyl ketone, n-Butyraldehyde CORESTA Method No. 76/ ISO 23922:2020/ ISO 24211:2022 HPLC-PDA




Nitrosamines [(N-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN), N-Nitrosoanatabine (NAT), N-Nitrosoanabasine (NAB) and 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)] CORESTA Method No 75/ ISO 21766:2021/ ISO 23921:2020 LC-MS/MS Prohibited
Ammonia CORESTA Method No. 79/ ISO 23920:2020 Ion Chromatography Prohibited
Caffiene HPLC-PDA  Prohibited
Taurine LC-MS/MS Prohibited
Benzo[a]pyrene CORESTA Method No. 82 GC-MS Prohibited
Seven Aromatic amines [o‑Toluidine,

2,6-Dimethylaniline, o‑Anisidine, 1‑Aminonaphthalene, 2‑Aminonaphthalene, 3‑Aminobiphenyl

and 4‑Aminobiphenyl]

CORESTA Method No. 95 GC-MS(NCI) Prohibited
Cinnamic compounds (eugenol and cinnamaldehyde) GC-MS Prohibited
Vitamins HPLC Prohibited
Colored additives/dyes HPLC-PDA Prohibited
Respiratory allergens GC-MS Prohibited
Residues of heavy metal lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, nickel, iron, arsenic and tin ICP-AES Prohibited
Mineral oils, vegetable oils and fats such as (olive oil) GC-FID Prohibited
Ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol ISO 20714:2019 GC-FID Prohibited
Glycerol (of food grade and non-petroleum products), 1-2 propylene glycol, 1-3 butylene glycol, triethylene glycol GC-FID Permitted as per European Pharmacopoeia
Flavoring chemicals GC-MS Permitted as per UAE.S 192 and European Pharmacopoeia
E-liquid vaporised mass and aerosol collected mass ISO 24197:2022 Gravimetry



6. Hookah

Hookah is a pipe used to smoke Shisha, a combination of tobacco and fruit or vegetable that is heated and the smoke is filtrated through water. The Hookah consists of a head, body water bowl and hose. The tobacco or Shisha is heated in the hookah usually using charcoal.


7. Kreteks

Kreteks (pronounced “cree-techs”) are sometimes referred to as clove cigarettes. Kreteks are imported from Indonesia, and typically contain a mixture consisting of tobacco, cloves, and other additives. As with bidis, standardized machine-smoking analyses indicate that kreteks deliver more nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar than conventional cigarettes.


8. Pipe

Pipes are often reusable and consist of a chamber or bowl, stem and mouthpiece. Tobacco is placed into the bowl and lit. The smoke is than drawn through the stem and mouthpiece and inhaled.


9. Smokeless Tobacco

The two main types of smokeless tobacco in the United States are chewing tobacco and snuff. Chewing tobacco comes in the form of loose leaf, plug, or twist. Snuff is finely ground tobacco that can be dry, moist, or in sachets (tea bag-like pouches).

Smokeless Tobacco

10. Shisha Tobacco

Shisha is usually made up of tobacco, molasses/sugar, and fruit flavourings. It is smoked through a water pipe heated by charcoal to produce the smoke. Smoking shisha can damage your health. A shisha head with 20 grams of tobacco would have a nicotine content of 10mg.

Shisha Tobacco

11. Dokha

Dokha is a tobacco product, consisting of dried and finely shredded tobacco flakes mixed with herbs and spices. Dokha, colloquially known as “Dook,” is a traditional Middle Eastern tobacco, typically mixed with flowers, herbs, spices, or fruits.


Equipments required

According to WHO the equipments required for tobacco testing are gas chromatography (GC)-flame ionization detection (FID) and liquid chromatography (LC)-diode array detection instrumentation. It is an advantage to also have LC-tandem mass spectrometry.

Equipments required


Regulations for Tobacco Testing

As an ISO 17025: 2017 accredited lab with e-liquid and tobacco chemical testing facilities, METS has the scientific expertise and in-depth knowledge of the GCC (ESMA, SFDA, Jordan, Egypt, Oman, Bahrain) and International regulatory pathway to help demonstrate the quality of your nicotine and tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and alternative nicotine delivery systems (ANDS).
These regulations and guidelines are intended to regulate the market and to ensure the consumer safety and product compliance.

E-liquid Testing Capabilities as per UAE.S.5030

  • Nicotine Content
  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • Heavy metals
  • Ethylene glycol
  • Diethylene glycol
  • Formaldehyde
  • Acetone
  • Colour Additives
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Carbonyl Compounds
  • Water soluble Vitamins
  • Aromatic Amines
  • Allergens
  • Nitrosamines
  • Paraben Compounds
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  • Aflatoxin
  • Microbiology parameters

International Requirements of E-liquid

  • Emission Testing
  • Shelf-Life Analysis
  • Harmlessness of materials
  • Overall migration and specific migration on bottles

Cigarette Testing Capabilities as per GSO 597

  • Visual Test
  • Fine Tobacco Content Passing through a sieve on Dry Weight
  • Total Ash Content on Dry Weight
  • Moisture Content
  • Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Weight
  • Nicotine Content on Dry Weight
  • Basic Weight of Wrapped Paper of The Cigarette
  • Length of Tobacco Column for Filter–Tipped Cigarette
  • Circumference of the Cigarette
  • Apparent Density of the Cigarette Tobacco
  • Draw Resistance of Cigarette with Filter (Open)
  • Cut Width of Tobacco
  • Variation in the Weight of Tobacco in Cigarettes on Wet Weight
  • Nicotine Yield
  • Tar Yield
  • Carbon Monoxide Yield
  • Loss of Tobacco from Cigarettes End for Filter– Tipped Cigarettes on Dry Weight
  • Pesticide Residue

Dokha Testing Capabilities as per UAE.S 5022:2018

  • Visual Test
  • Total Ash Content on Dry Weight
  • Moisture Content
  • Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Weight
  • Silicated Residues Insoluble in HCl (sand content)
  • Nicotine Content on Dry Weight
  • Taurine
  • Combustion of Tobacco Used
  • Fine Tobacco Content Passing through a sieve
  • Total Aflatoxin Content
  • Pesticide Residues

Pipe Testing Capabilities as per UAE 2050:2010

  • Visual Test
  • Sodium Benzoate Content
  • Potassium Sorbate Content
  • Glycerol Content
  •  Essential Oil Extract Content
  •  Fine Tobacco Content Passing through a sieve
  •  Silicated Residues Insoluble in HCl (sand content)
  •  Combustion of Tobacco Used
  •  Nicotine Content on Dry Weight
  •  Sugar Content
  •  Pesticide Residues

Molasses Testing Requirement as per UAE.S 1749:2018

  • Visual Test
  • Total Ash Content on Dry Weight
  • Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Weight
  • Moisture Content
  • Sodium Benzoate Content
  • Potassium Sorbate Content
  • Sum of Sodium Benzoate Content and Potassium Sorbate Content
  • Essential Oil Extract Content
  • Silicated Residues Insoluble in HCl (sand content)
  • Nicotine Content on Dry Weight
  • Humectant Content
  • Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Weight
  • Total Sugar Content
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Total Aflatoxin Content
  • Pesticide Residues

Cigar Testing Requirement as per UAE.S 2047:2010

  • Visual Test
  • Total Ash Content on Dry Weight
  • Moisture Content
  • Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Weight
  • Silicated Residues Insoluble in HCl (sand content)
  • Nicotine Content on Dry Weight
  • Taurine
  • Combustion of Tobacco Used
  • Fine Tobacco Content Passing through a sieve
  • Total Aflatoxin Content
  • Pesticide Residues

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and E- Liquid Requirement as per SFDA.FD 5005:2020

  • SASO NO (172-19-04-03) “Technical Regulation for Electronic Devices Used in Electronic Smoking Systems.
  • The filter, paper, capsules and other related components shall not contain tobacco or other substances which are derived from tobacco or may increase emissions.
  • The product shall not contain
  • Vitamins or other additives which may create an impression that it has health benefits or reduces health risks
  • Caffeine, taurine or other additives or stimulants that are associated with energy and vitality.
  • Additives that give coloring effects to any emissions.
  • Additives with CMR properties or that can affect CMR properties (Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction)
  • The containers shall be hermetically sealed, child-resistant, shatterproof, impervious and waterproof when used or refilled.
  • Only fruit, tobacco, menthol, or a combination of these flavourings are permitted in E-liquids. Other flavorings such as cocoa, vanilla, coffee, tea, condiments and sweets, are strictly prohibited.
  • E-liquid shall be manufactured using only ingredients of high purity.
  • It shall contain nicotine at a maximum limit of 20 mg/ml.
  • The external refilling tank shall not contain more than 30 ml of E-liquid per package.
  • Each pod shall not contain more than 2 ml of E-liquid.
  • The level of toxic solvents for both ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol shall not be greater than 0.1%
  • Microbiological testing
  • Total aerobic microbial count
  • Total combined yeasts/mould count
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteria
  • The maximum limits for heavy metals Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel, Tin, Copper

Tests methods for tobacco testing.

  • AOAC 923.03 :   Tobacco Total Ash
  • AOAC 941.12B :   Tobacco – Acid Insoluble Ash
  • AOAC 966.02 :   Tobacco Moisture
  • AOAC 991.36 :   Tobacco – Oils and essences extract
  • ISO 1575 :   Determination of total ash content (Dry weight) of cigarettes and tobacco    products
  • ISO 1577 :   Determination of acid insoluble ash (Dry weight from cigarettes and tobacco products
  • ISO 2971 :   Determination of circumference of the cigarettes and 7tobacco products
  • ISO 4387 :    Determination of length of the tobacco column for filter
  • METS-IP-35 :    Visual test of cigarettes and tobacco products
  • METS-IP-36 :    Fine tobacco content pass through 425µm sieve on dry weight
  • METS-IP-37 :    Determination of loss on heating of cigarettes and tobacco products
  • METS-IP-38 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Nicotine Content
  • METS-IP-40 :    Determination of apparent density of the cigarettes and tobacco products
  • METS-IP-41 :    Determination of Fungal contamination in E-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigar, pipe, cigarillo or hookah and other tobacco products
  • METS-IP-42 :    Determination of pesticides from E-cigarettes, Cigarettes, cigar, pipe, cigarillo or hookah and other tobacco products
  • METS-IP-43     :    Toxic metal content in E-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigar, pipe, cigarillo or hookah and other tobacco products
  • METS IP-85 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Formaldehyde
  • METS IP 98 :     Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products-Total Sugar Content
  • METS IP-104 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
  • METS IP-104 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • METS IP-104 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • METS IP-104 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacinamide (Nicotinamide) (Vitamin B3),
  • METS IP-104 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-tartrazine
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-ponceau 4r
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-quinoline yellow
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-allura red
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-carmoisine
  • METS IP-168 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-fast green
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants- brilliant blue
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants patent blue
  • METS IP-168 :    Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants erythrosin
  • METS IP-191 :    Electronic Nicotine products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Propyl Paraben, Ethyl Para ben Methyl Paraben
  • METS IP-191 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Ethyl Para ben
  • METS IP-191 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Methyl Paraben
  • METS IP 207 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products),Calcium-d-Pantothenate (Vitamin B5),
  • METS IP-209 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Taurine
  • METS IP-217       :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Caffeine
  • METS IP 223 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Preservatives
  • METS IP 224 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Artificial Sweeteners
  • METS IP 225 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Glycerol Content
  • METS IP 226 :    Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  • METS IP 229 :    Tobacco – Oils and essences extract
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Preservatives
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Artificial Sweeteners
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Glycerol Content
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products-Total Sugar Content
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Caffeine
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Taurine
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Nicotine Content
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Formaldehyde
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Thiamine (Vitamin B1),
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Riboflavin (Vitamin B2),
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacinamide (Nicotinamide) (Vitamin B3)
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products),Calcium-d-Pantothenate (Vitamin B5),
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-tartrazine
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-ponceau 4r
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-quinoline yellow
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-allura red
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-carmoisine
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-fast green
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Propyl Paraben, Ethyl Para ben Methyl Paraben
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Ethyl Para ben
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Methyl Paraben
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants patent blue
  • S 5030:2018: Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants erythrosin
  • USP 61 :   Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Total aerobic plate count, Yeast and mould count in E-cigarettes, Cigarettes, cigar, pipe, cigarillo or hookah and other tobacco products
  • USP 62 :   Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Total aerobic plate count, Yeast and mould count in E-cigarettes, Cigarettes, cigar, pipe, cigarillo or hookah and other tobacco products
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Caffeine
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Taurine
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Nicotine Content
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Formaldehyde
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Niacinamide (Nicotinamide) (Vitamin B3)
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products),Calcium-d-Pantothenate (Vitamin B5),
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-tartrazine
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-ponceau 4r
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-quinoline yellow
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-allura red
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-carmoisine
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants-fast green
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants- brilliant blue
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants patent blue
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic nicotine products (equivalents of traditional tobacco products-food additives& colourants erythrosin
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Propyl Paraben, Ethyl Para ben Methyl Paraben
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Ethyl Para ben
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Methyl Paraben
  • XP D90-300-2 :   Electronic Nicotine Products (Equivalents of Traditional Tobacco Products Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon