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Shelf life, Sterility, Preservative efficacy

METS lab is one of the leading chemical testing labs in UAE. One of the main aims of chemical testing is to check the quality of materials by identifying what they are made of, and whether they contain anything that shouldn’t be there according to relevant standards, requirements, or regulations. To achieve this, you’ll need a chemical testing laboratory.

5 different chemical testing methods are there – Composition Analysis, Trace Contamination Detection, Metals Testing, Material Testing, Regulatory Testing.

Composition Analysis is also known as elemental analysis, composition analysis can be qualitative (determining what elements are present), and quantitative (determining how much of each are present). Depending on the material being tested, a method called spectroscopy is often used to determine the chemical composition of the sample and to identify any impurities that could affect the quality of the material.

Sometimes products can become contaminated during the production process. Contamination can occur in a wide range of products, including chemicals, flexible electronics, cosmetics, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, and petroleum products. Chemical testing identifies the presence of specific contaminants, and the manufacturer can then use this information to identify and rectify the causes of contamination. Trace contamination may be in the form of particles, cloudiness, surface residue, or trace chemicals left over from the manufacturing process.

Metal testing is used to determine the composition and properties of metal and metal alloys (forged mixtures) in order to check whether samples contain any foreign metallic substances or any specific substances that shouldn’t be in the alloy. Chemical testing for metals is usually a non-destructive process; however, alloys usually have to be broken down to determine their exact composition.

Whatever your product, there are likely regulations in place in your destination market which require your product to be certified as meeting consumer protection laws as well as health and safety standards. Chemical testing on hardlines and softlines to ensure compliance with those regulations gives you an assurance that your products won’t be rejected or recalled when they reach the intended market. In chemical testing, want to satisfy ASME,ISO, Reach, RoHS compliance and CPSIA compliance.

Food products must meet national and international food hygiene regulations relating to shelf life. This helps to keep consumers safe and your organization compliant, which both contribute to manufacturing your brands integrity and reputation, we can assess the quality of your products to ensure they do so. METS Lab works with each product throughout US shelf life, with procedure including microbial indicator analysis as well as sensory, physical and chemical testing. Our shelf-life testing services helps you recognize how your food products performs over time and identify the changes to ingredients, packaging or to other contributory factors that will help lengthen shelf life and increase profit. 

We have chemicals testing labs or food testing labs around the world with the appropriate accreditation, making the process as reliable, efficient, and cost effective as possible for you. All tests are executed by qualified, on-site food scientists that perform analyses under a rigorous quality control program

METS Lab has identified many factors that affect the shelf life and ultimately, food product, quality. To discover how your business can benefit from our shelf life testing services, contact us today


Sterilization is the complete destruction or elimination of all viable organism in/on object being sterilized. The process destroys yeast, vegetative bacteria and spore formers, and allows the food processor to store and distribute the products at ambient temperature. Thus, extending the shelf life. 

A products initial microbial load will greatly impact the shelf life. The microbial load is especially pertinent for perishable items. Like we all know preservative can be added to extend shelf life, as can antioxidants. Preservative efficiency test is important parameter for both pharmaceutical and food products where there is higher risk of microbial contamination. 

Preservative efficiency:

The preservative efficiency test is a laboratory tests that determines the level of antimicrobial activity of a product and evaluate how well a product with stands microbial contamination during use. This testing provides two main benefits

Firstly, it evaluates the product to see what maximum quantity of preservative they should have

Secondly, it evaluates the product to see whether or not they are within the preservative described limits and for preservative effectiveness testing.