Chemical analysis of chlorides, Sulphates, pH, alkali silica, etc on concrete powder collected from the structures, covered under the study, by drilling to understand the chemical deterioration / degradation of concrete and its effect on reinforcement corrosion.
Non Destructive Testing Lab
Rebound Hammer Test
Conducting rebound hammer test as per IS 13311(Part-2), ASTM C 805. The rebound hammer test shall be conducted at all those points were UPV test has been performed. One point consisting of six readings spread over an area of 1 sq. Shall be considered as 1 test.
Ultra-Sonic Pulse Velocity Test
Conducting Ultra-Sonic Pulse velocity (UPV) test at selected location on RCC members of the Structures covered under the study by making 300 mm x300mm c/c grids to know about the homogeneity and quality of concrete. The test shall be performed as p0er IS 13311 (Part-1) / ASTM C 597
Core extraction and testing
Extracting the concrete core samples of minimum 65 mm diameter and 100-150 mm length (approx.) at select location form RCC members of the structures covered under the study and evaluation the properties in the laboratory from the core samples selected. IS 456:2000;IS 516:1959;IS 1199:2002; ASTM C-42.
Cut AND Pull Out (CAPO) Test
As per ASTM C-900
Half – Cell / Surface Potential Test
Measuring the half-cell /surface potential at select location on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to understand the extent of reinforcement corrosion as per ASTM C 876
Ferro Scanning Test
At select location on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to see the adequacy of concrete cover to rebars and effect of carbonation.
Carbonation Test
Measurement of carbonation depth by phenolphthalein spray test at select location on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to see the depth of carbonation.
Moisture Test by Moisture Meter
Moisture profiling of concrete with respect to depth.