Marble/Granite Testing
Water absorption
The amount of water that a refractory can absorb is measured by the water absorption test. The results of water absorption tests are used for quality assurance.
Test Method: ASTM C 97-2009, ASTM D 570
Mohs Hardness
This test helps in determining the hardness of rock. Because granite is a rock composed of multiple minerals, only crystals of specific minerals within the granite would be tested for hardness.
Test Method: ASTM C1895-19
Modulus Rapture
The modulus of rupture (MOR) is the maximum surface stress in a bent beam at the instant of failure. One might expect this to be exactly the same as the strength measured in tension, but it is always larger because the volume subjected to this maximum stress is small, and the probability of a large flaw lying in the highly stressed region is also small.
Test Method: ASTM C 99-2009
Dimension Testing
This test is done to check the dimensional stability of the rock.
Test Method: ASTM C 625, ASTM C 616, ASTM C 629, ASTM C503
Thermal shock test
Thermal shock is the name given to cracking as a result of rapid temperature change. Glass and ceramic objects are particularly vulnerable to this form of failure, due to their low toughness, low thermal conductivity, and high thermal expansion coefficients. However, they are used in many high temperature applications due to their high melting point.
Test Method: ASTM C 1525-04, EN-104, ISO 10545
PVC Flooring tile
PVC Flooring provides dust-free, noise absorbing, resilient, non-porous, decorative surface. It shall consist of a thoroughly blended composition of thermoplastic binder, filler and pigments.
Test Method: ASTM F2982
Frost Resistance
Ceramic tile frost resistance is defined as the ability of ceramic tile to withstand freeze/thaw conditions with minimal effect. The frost resistance of ceramic tile is dependent on the tile’s porosity and water absorption levels. Frost damage can occur when the variety of ceramic tile absorbs moisture through its pores, causing the water to freeze internally when temperatures drop. Since water expands when it freezes, tension is then exerted inside the body of the ceramic tile. This internal pressure may become high enough to cause cracks in the ceramic tile.
Test Method:ASTM C 666M, BS EN 12371
Chemical Resistance test
This test is done to determine the ability of the grade of granite used by a1-safetech to resist chemical attack.
Test Method:ASTM C267-01
Breaking Strength
Rocks are considerably weaker in tension than in compression. Characterizing tensile strength of rocks thus is of great importance in many engineering and geophysical applications. Tensile strength is defined as the failure of stress.
Test Method: ASTM D 5034
So, if you are looking to hire us for marble testing, METS Lab is the perfect choice as we have the best marble testing labs in UAE, Qatar & UK. Contact us today!