The Government of India has set up the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), also referred to as ‘BEE’ under the provisions of the EC Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. The Standards and Labeling Scheme (S&L) is one of the major thrust areas of BEE. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to institutionalise energy efficiency services, enable delivery mechanisms in the country and provide leadership to energy efficiency in all sectors of the country. Its primary objective is to reduce energy intensity in the economy.

The broad objectives of BEE are as follows:

  • To exert leadership and provide policy recommendation and direction to national energy conservation and efficiency efforts and programs.
  • To coordinate energy efficiency and conservation policies and programs and take it to the stakeholders
  • To establish systems and procedures to measure, monitor and verify energy efficiency results in individual sectors as well as at a macro level.
  • To leverage multi-lateral, bi-lateral, and private sector support in implementation of Energy Conservation Act and efficient use of energy and its conservation programs.
  • To demonstrate delivery of energy efficiency services as mandated in the EC bill through private-public partnerships.
  • To interpret, plan and manage energy conservation programs as envisaged in the Energy Conservation Act.
  • To promote research and development in energy efficiency and energy conservation.
  • To develop testing and certification procedures for energy consumption of equipment and appliances and promote the testing facilities.

To strengthen consultancy services in the field of energy conservation.

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