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Soil is a natural body comprised of solids (minerals and organic matter), liquid, and gases that occurs on the land surface, occupies space, and is characterized by one or both of the following: horizons, or layers, that are distinguishable from the initial material as a result of additions, losses, transfers, and transformations of energy and matter or the ability to support rooted plants in a natural environment. Soils perform vital functions to sustain plant and animal life, regulate water flow, filter and buffer pollutants, cycle nutrients, and provide physical stability and sort.

Soil can be categorized into sand, clay, silt, peat, chalk and loam types of soil based on the dominating size of the particles within a soil.

  •  Sandy Soil
Sandy Soil is light, warm, dry and tends to be acidic and low in nutrients. Sandy soils are often known as light soils due to their high proportion of sand and little clay. These soils have quick water drainage and are easy to work with. They are quicker to warm up in spring than clay soils but tend to dry out in summer and suffer from low nutrients that are washed away by rain.

Sandy Soil
  • Clay Soil 
Clay Soil is a heavy soil type that benefits from high nutrients. Clay soils remain wet and cold in winter and dry out in summer. These soils are made of over 25 percent clay, and because of the spaces found between clay particles, clay soils hold a high amount of water.
Clay Soil

  • Silt Soil

Silt Soil is a light and moisture retentive soil type with a high fertility rating. As silt soils compromise of medium sized particles, they are well drained and hold moisture well .As the particles are fine, they can be easily compacted and are prone to washing away with rain.

  • Peat Soil

Peat soil is high in organic matter and retains a large amount of moisture. This type of soil is very rarely found in a garden and often imported into a garden to provide an optimum soil base for planting.

  • Chalk Soil

Chalk soil can be either light or heavy but always highly alkaline due to the calcium carbonate (lime) within its structure .As these soils are alkaline they will not support the growth of ericaceous plants that require acidic soils to grow.

  • Loam Soil

Loam soil is a mixture of sand, silt and clay that are combined to avoid the negative effects of each type. These soils are fertile, easy to work with and provide good drainage. Depending on their predominant composition they can be either sandy or clay loam.

What is Soil testing?

It is the farmland analysis for multiple parameters like chemical content, toxicity, pH level, salinity, earth-dwelling biota, etc. Such tests also provide information on chemical contamination, humic or organic content, electric conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and other physical and chemical properties.

Type of Soil tests

The analysis type depends on the explored components or properties of the field ground that may beneficially or adversely impact crop development. The most frequently-used types analyze and measure:

  • Mineral content
  • pH level
  • Soil moisture
  • Salinity
  • Pesticides and chemical contamination
  • Structure and texture, etc.

Soil Nutrient Testing

Valuable information on nutrients content allows accurate fertilization to support plant needs within precision agriculture implementations. This is why the chemical test for soil nutrients is the most common.

Primarily, soil tests report on the content of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are the most important nutrients for crops. Secondary nutrients to examine are calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), and magnesium (Mg). An extended test also includes minor elements like iron (Fe), manganese (Mg), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), and others.

Soil Acidity Test(pH)

Proper pH in the field is essential for plant productivity, and either too high or too low pH will adversely affect crop growth. Testing pH of soil, one calculates its hydrogen ions. pH values may range from 0 to 14. The neutral value is 7, lower levels are for acidity, and higher than 7 mean alkalinities. Acidic or alkaline fields are treated correspondingly. For example, pH can be raised with lime, and an accurate pH test helps determine its required quantity.

Soil Salinity Test

In saline fields, plants suffer from osmotic stresses due to poor water absorption. Soil salinity testing helps understand the suitability of lands for agricultural activities. Field salinity can be analyzed through:

  • evaporation of total soluble salts (TSS) from the ground-water extract;
  • measuring the electric conductivity (EC) of a saturated paste extract or a distilled water-earth dilution.

Testing Soil for Pesticides and Contaminations

Pesticides help control any non-beneficial organisms that destroy crops. Chemicals effectively suppress weeds, manage crop diseases, or combat pests. At the same time, such substances poison non-target organisms and pollute nature. Highly aggressive substances leach into groundwater, remain in the land for many years, and harm humans and animals, accumulating in food.

Physical Soil Testing for Texture and Structure

Apart from the chemical content, agricultural soil testing also analyzes the soil type and its physical properties like texture, structure, and moisture.

The main components are clay, sand, and silt, and their proportions define the ground texture and its ability to retain nutrients with moisture. For example, sandy fields dry faster than clay ones, so a soil texture test helps in precision irrigation and fertigation planning.

Soil structure describes the size of its parts and pore spaces, which affect the flow of water and air in the earth. Clay fields are finer, and their pore spaces are small. Therefore, they are prone to compaction and require regular aeration.

Soil Moisture Testing

Water is essential for plant growth, and vegetation cannot develop properly under a lack of ground moisture. When the field’s surface is dry, it can be noticed visually; yet accurate water rates are measured with soil moisture sensors or in the laboratory. A soil moisture content test reports water availability for plants or their dehydration. High-temperature moisture evaporation from samples is the typical soil moisture test. The calculation of moisture rates in the samples is based on measuring their masses before and after evaporation.

Chloride Content:

At the time of Soil Testing, the effect of chloride concentration in soil on corrosion of reinforcing steel was evaluated by measuring corrosion potentials and corrosion current density. Concrete in contact with soil bearing high levels of chloride could suffer from early ingress of this chloride, leading to corrosion of any embedded reinforcement. Measures of chloride levels in soils are often taken to check whether the soil will be suitable to be used adjacent to concrete.
Test Method: BS 1377

Electrical Resistivity:

Electrical resistivity of the soil can be considered as a proxy for the spatial and temporal variability of many other soil physical properties (i.e. structure, water content, or fluid composition). Because the method is non-destructive and very sensitive, it offers a very attractive tool for describing the subsurface properties without digging.
Test Method: ASTM  G 1857

Linear Shrinkage:

This test is used to measure the percentage decrease in dimension of a fine fraction of a soil when it is dried after having been moulded in a wet condition approximately at its liquid limit.
Test Method: ASTM D 4943

Modified Proctor Compaction Test:

The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density.
Test Method: ASTM D 1557

Organic Matter Content:

Organic matter is stable in the soil. It has been decomposed until it is resistant to further decomposition. Usually, only about 5 percent of it mineralizes yearly. That rate increases if temperature, oxygen, and moisture conditions become favorable for decomposition, which often occurs with excessive tillage. It is the stable organic matter that is analyzed in the soil test.
Test Method: BS 1377

Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis:

The objective of this test is to determine the relative proportions of different granular sizes as they are passing through certain sieve sizes. Thus, the percentage of sand, gravel, silt and clay can be obtained from the sieve analysis test.
The sieve analysis (grain size analysis) is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained from grain size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to determine suitability of soil for road/highway construction, embankment fill of dam, airport runway/taxiway, etc.
Test Method: ASTM D 6973

Particle Size Distribution by Hydrometer:

Hydrometer test is the procedure generally adopted for determining the particle-size distribution in the soil for the fraction for that is finer than sieve size 0.075 mm. The lower limit of the particle size determined by this procedure is about 0.001 mm.
Test Method: ASTM D 7928

Plasticity Index:

The Plasticity Index is simply the numerical difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit for a particular material and indicates the magnitude of the range of moisture content over which the soil remains plastic.  It is a measure of the cohesive qualities of the binder resulting from the clay content.  Also, it gives some indication of the amount of swelling and shrinkage that will result in the wetting and drying of that fraction tested.
Test Method: ASTM D 4221

Sulphate Content:

This method determines the soluble sulfate content of soil by using turbidimetric techniques.  The results are used to determine whether chemical stabilization (with lime, fly ash, cement kiln dust, etc.) of the tested soil is appropriate.
Test Method: BS 1377


As the requirement for land for housing, retail, office and industrial development continues to grow, there is a real need for developers to use sites previously used for industrial purposes (Brownfield sites). These sites may not have been subject to the rigorous environmental legislation that applies today, resulting in the possibility of various levels of contamination. It is necessary, therefore, to conduct a contaminated land survey for these types of site. 


Load Bearing Capacity: This test helps in determining the maximum load the soil can withstand.
Test Method: Shear Strength: This test helps in determining the magnitude of the shear stress that a soil can sustain. The shear resistance of soil is a result of friction and interlocking of particles, and possibly cementation or bonding at particle contacts.
Test Method: ASTM D3080 / BS 1377

Dynamic Core Penetration Test: This test helps in determining the compactness of the sub soil layer without making a bore hole. The data obtained by the test provides a continuous record of soil resistance. This is an in-situ dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on the geotechnical engineering properties of soil.
Test Method: BS EN ISO 22476-3 / ASTM D1586 / AS 1289.6.3.1

Triaxial Compression Test: This test helps in determining the shear testing of soils.
Test Method: ASTM D4767 – 11 / D2850

Plate Bearing: In the design of shallow foundation or traffic surface, design engineers need to know the bearing capacity of soil underneath. Plate bearing test is carried out in the field to serve this purpose. Results from the test can be used as design parameter or used to confirm the design assumption.

Test Method: BS 1377 Part 9: 1990 Standards.


Sludge is a mud-like mixture consisting of solid materials and water, commonly found in natural and industrial processes. Sludge is a semi-solid slurry that can be produced from a range of industrial processes, from water treatment, wastewater treatment or on-site sanitation systems. It can be produced as a settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment, as sewage sludge from wastewater treatment processes or as fecal sludge from pit latrines and septic tanks. 

Industrial sludge tends to form by sedimentation and settling of biological or heavy metal impurities and waste from other processes. It can have different water content depending on the original process that led to it and there are several stages of its formation, treatment, and eventual reprocessing.

  • Primary and Secondary Sludge

Primary sludge is the first layer of treatment of the direct waste of some other process. In this stage, the original sludge goes through sedimentation, chemical precipitation, or another primary process as the particles within the original sludge slowly settle and congeal.

Secondary sludge is then formed after the biological treatment of the primary sludge. 

  • Raw Sludge

Raw sludge, also known as sewage sludge, is formed from the treatment of raw sewage and can be identified by its unsurprisingly foul odor. Found most often in sewage treatment plants, this sludge is largely water-based but carries a high level of biological material and toxins — all of which must be handled safely both in plant and in transit.

Due to this level of biological materials raw sludge can be used as a fertilizer due to its high volumes of organic matter, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. After a treatment process that includes thermal hydrolysis and anabolic decomposition, raw sewage loses much of its odor and population of microorganisms and can be used by the agricultural industry.

  • Waste Water Sludge

Wastewater sludge is a by-product of industrial processes and often contains highly concentrated chemicals, heavy metals, and bacteria. Essentially, anything which does not wind up in the end product in a warehouse, storage tank, water treatment plant, refinery, or manufacturing factory may be found in such sludge. Due to the variety and amount of foreign materials which were intentionally removed from the end product, this sludge comes in various forms, almost all of which are highly toxic to humans and the environment. Wastewater sludge can broadly be broken down into biological sludge, which comes from a mixture of water and microorganisms eliminated during treatment, and physio-chemical sludge, which is biologically inert but includes toxins, chemicals, and pollutants used at various stages of an industrial process.

  • Activated Sludge

During the process of treating sludge, various biological processes are used to separate the contaminated material from the water in which it is otherwise diluted. Once various good bacteria and other microbes perform this processing stage by consuming much of the existing biomass within the sludge, the remaining sludge is largely solidified into highly concentrated and toxic flakes. At this stage, the sludge is referred to as “activated” and is significantly more concentrated and dehydrated than it was originally. By this stage, much of the water originally within the sludge can ideally be reclaimed and reprocessed. 

  • Fecal Sludge

Fecal sludge is a separate category of sludge found in pit latrines, septic tanks, and onsite sanitation systems formed by biological waste matter, including solid waste, urine, water, and other chemicals found within sanitation systems. This sludge generally has to be transferred to treatment plants by vacuum trucks.

Much like raw sludge, the concentration of organic material in fecal sludge does mean that, once processed, it can serve as an important biological fuel and fertilizer. While different types of post-processing are required to bring it into a usable form, fecal sludge can be used for irrigation and soil conditioner or as a base for methane production and capture for use in biogas, biodiesel, charcoal, powdered industrial fuel, and electricity after treatment.


METS lab is one of the leading soils and sludge testing labs in UAE. Soil testing is the farmland analysis for multiple parameters like chemical content, toxicity, pH level, salinity, earth-dwelling biota, etc. Such tests also provide information on chemical contamination, humic or organic content, electric conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and other physical and chemical properties.

Soil testing is a very important part of building and road construction projects. The purpose of soil testing for construction is to determine the suitability of the soil for the type of construction to be done. BS 1377-2 provides common laboratory tests are required for the classification of soils, determination of compaction characteristics of soils for earthworks, permeability, compressibility and erodibility and determination of shear strength of soils in terms of both total and effective stresses. The ASTM version of the Unified Soil Classification System is ASTM D2487-17: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). This classification system is based on particle-size characteristics, liquid limit, and plasticity index. According to ASTM D2487-17, there are three major soil divisions: coarse-grained soils, fine-grained soils, and highly organic soils.

The goal of the Soil Testing is to provide accurate assessment of the soil’s fertility for farming & to identify the type of foundation needed for construction. For the waste management, laboratory testing is mandatory for sludge. Soil quality is affected by many factors like the nutrient levels, organic matter content to land use, industrial use and other site conditions.

There are several reasons why Sludge Analysis is necessary. First, it plays a part in ensuring that the treated sludge satisfies regulatory specifications at the point of disposal or reuse. Second, it is useful for the understanding of sludge composition that matters while determining what to do with them either disposal or reuse. Lastly, it helps identify any potential environmental hazards associated with the sludge thereby enabling informed decision-making on its management.

Sludge Analysis is significant in preserving the environment and public health. By analyzing the sludge composition, we can discover if there are harmful contaminants present that may affect ecosystems or even human health in the case is not managed properly. This is one of the most important types of knowledge necessary for proper sludge management that would prevent it from causing harm to nature and, as a result, communities residing in its direct nearby.

Mets Lab is one of the leading laboratory in UAE among the soil and sludge testing labs providing service for soil and sludge analysis. We are now in other parts like Abu Dhabi, Qatar, India & UK providing best services.

At METS Lab:-

  1. Our Resources are intended to provide accurate and high-quality soil/ sludge analysis.
  2. We are EIAC accredited and ISO certified to conduct soil and sludge testing as per international standards like ASTM, BS EN  etc. using methods like EPA/GC- FID/EDX etc.
  3. We can provide you with details analysis on the Physical and Chemical testing for chemical characteristics for agriculture and industrial use.
  4.    We are following international standard methodologies as USEPA, APHA, etc., determination of Metals, TPH, PCBs, VOCs, TCLPs, etc.
  5. Parameters includes 
  • Ph
  • Conductivity    
  • Total organic compound
  • NPK
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium etc.
  1. Our Accurate, Efficient reports will help to provide information to improve soil quality, create healthy gardens and protect public health.

 METS Lab being the best testing lab, we also perform Nutritional analysis and Environmental Testing.


Test Methods of Soil and Sludge Testing


USEPA 9045 D                    :  pH

US EPA 8015 C/3540         :  Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

BS 1377 part 3                    :  Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Part 3: Chemical and electro-chemical testing Chloride

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Arsenic (As) (LOQ = 0.5 mg/L)

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Cadmium (Cd) (LOQ = 1 mg/L)

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Chromium (Cr) (LOQ = 1 mg/L)

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Cobalt (Co) (LOQ = 1 mg/L)

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Copper (Cu) (LOQ = 1 mg/L)

USEPA 3050B/6010 C        :  Lead (Pb) (LOQ = 1 mg/L)

APHA 5520 E 23rd Edition:  Oil & Grease

APHA 2540 G :23rd edition: Fixed Solids

ASTM D 93                            : Flash Point

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Arsenic (As) (LOQ = 0.2 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Cadmium (Cd) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Chromium (Cr) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Cobalt (Co) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Copper (Cu) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Lead (Pb) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Manganese (Mn) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Mercury (Hg) (LOQ = 0.2 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Nickel (Ni) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Selenium (Se) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Silver (Ag) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)

USEPA 1311/6010 C            : Zinc (Zn) (LOQ = 0.4 mg/L)